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Liste des publications
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Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2023
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Application of BIM and Digital Twins in Substation Engineering, O&M and Benefits of Using Substation Virtual Reality Models Connected with Asset Management Data
(Spanish - original title: Aplicación de BIM y Gemelo digital en ingeniería de subestaciones, O&M y benificios del uso de modelo de realidad virtual integrado con gestión de activos)
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro, A. Schütz
IEEE PES GTD Latin America 2022
La Paz, Bolivia
Digital Twin, Simulation BIM and Virtual Reality Models for Substation Lifecycle in Engineering, Operation, Asset Management & Maintenance
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2019
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Advantages of a Digital Twin - BIM 7D - for high voltage substation engineering using Optical Symbol Recognition Technology
S. Heuser, W. Eyrich, M. Kokorus, F. Pizarro
Expo Energía Chile 2023
Santiago, Chile
Application of BIM and Digital Twin in Substation Engineering
Technical Presentation
Evento Académico - FISE CIGRE Conference 2023
Medellín, Colombia
A digital twin can make power grids more efficient and productive
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
File based software vs. Database software: The evolution of lifecycle data management into a digital twin
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
(Guided) VR tour for public relations – a real customer example
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
Let´s design live a Substation in primtech 3d
Technical Presentation
VDE ETG Kongress 2023
Kassel, Germany
The digital twin in the grid and electricity industry.
Result presentation of a Task Force study from the ETG (Energytechnological Society) at VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies)
Technical Presentation
Read the Abstract (pdf)
VDE ETG Kongress 2023
Kassel, Germany
Implementation of a digital twin for a substation in the German transmission grid - in cooperation with Amprion GmbH
Technical Presentation
Read the Abstract (pdf)
SDS Industry Consortium 2023 Spring Event
Nashville, TN, USA
Scan2Twin using AI software - Explore a secure path for utilities, in the context of digital transformation, to get ready for Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023 Spring Event
Nashville, TN, USA
The evolution of VR to Applied Use-Cases in Substation BIM Design and Engineering Processes - How One-click solutions and the simulation of substation operation add value to the complete substation lifecycle
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2022 Fall Event
Kansas City, USA
From physical to Digital Twin - Digitalization evolves
from Showcase to Use-Case
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2022 Fall Event
Kansas City, USA
Mass data migration and validation from existing substations to Substation BIM data (vs. BIM) as a mandatory base for Digital Twin concepts
Technical Presentation
CIGRE Session 2022
Paris, France
Compressed journey from the physical twin of one of the largest German TSO substations using a gigantic pointcloud, OSR and prDi to a lean Industry 4.0 Digital Twin
Technical Presentation
Hannover Messe 2022 - Energy 4.0 Conference Stage
Hannover, Germany
The Digital Twin in the Power and Distribution Industry. Interim result of a Task Force study from the ETG (Energytechnological Society) at VDE (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies)
Technical Presentation
FISE 2019
Medellín, Colombia
Innovative engineering for substations with methods of Laserscanning/What is BIM and a Digital Twin of substations
Technical Presentation
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2023
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Application of BIM and Digital Twins in Substation Engineering, O&M and Benefits of Using Substation Virtual Reality Models Connected with Asset Management Data
(Spanish - original title: Aplicación de BIM y Gemelo digital en ingeniería de subestaciones, O&M y benificios del uso de modelo de realidad virtual integrado con gestión de activos)
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro, A. Schütz
IEEE PES GTD Latin America 2022
La Paz, Bolivia
Digital Twin, Simulation BIM and Virtual Reality Models for Substation Lifecycle in Engineering, Operation, Asset Management & Maintenance
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2019
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Advantages of a Digital Twin - BIM 7D - for high voltage substation engineering using Optical Symbol Recognition Technology
S. Heuser, W. Eyrich, M. Kokorus, F. Pizarro
CIGRÉ Session 2018
Paris, France
Streamlining the Decision-Making Process on Tubular Rigid Busbar Selection During the Planning / Designing Stage by Utilizing 3D Substation BIM Design Software
A. Foskulo, M. Kokorus
Denver, USA
18TD0219, From Optical Symbol Recognition (OSR) of Point Clouds to the Substation Information Model
M. Kokorus, W. Eyrich, R. Zacharias
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2017
Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Optimization of effort and cost structures in substation design using a 3D substation engineering software with integrated calculations
S. Heuser, W. Eyrich, M. Kokorus
Transmission & Substation Design & Operation Symposium 2017
Frisco, USA
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology in Substation Construction Progress Visualization – BIM 4D
W. Eyrich
CIGRÉ Mexican National Committee - International Colloquium 2016
Mexico City, Mexico
Smart substation information model - challenges in the development of a Building Information Modeling (BIM) based software for substation design
S. Heuser, W. Eyrich, M. Kokorus
CIGRÉ Session 2016
Paris, France
Implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) process in substation design software to increase design quality
M. Kokorus, W. Eyrich, R. Gacanovic
Dallas, USA
TD0015, Innovative Approach to the Substation Design Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology
M. Kokorus, W. Eyrich, R. Zacharias
Expo Energía Chile 2023
Santiago, Chile
Application of BIM and Digital Twin in Substation Engineering
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023 Spring Event
Nashville, TN, USA
The evolution of VR to Applied Use-Cases in Substation BIM Design and Engineering Processes - How One-click solutions and the simulation of substation operation add value to the complete substation lifecycle
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023 Spring Event
Nashville, TN, USA
Scan2Twin using AI software - Explore a secure path for utilities, in the context of digital transformation, to get ready for Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins
Technical Presentation
FISE 2022
Medellín, Colombia
Calculation of short circuit effects on flexible conductors and rigid conductors in a BIM substation
(Spanish - original title: Cálculo de efectos de cortocircuito en conductores flexibles y rígidos en una subestación BIM)
Technical Presentation
FISE Online 2021 - Pre-Session for FISE 2022
Medellín, Colombia
From a laser scan to an as-built BIM 3D substation model
(Spanish - original title: Desde el escaneo láser hasta un modelo as-built BIM 3D de una subestación)
Technical Presentation
FISE 2019
Medellín, Colombia
Innovative engineering for substations with methods of Laserscanning/What is BIM and a Digital Twin of substations
Technical Presentation
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2023
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Application of BIM and Digital Twins in Substation Engineering, O&M and Benefits of Using Substation Virtual Reality Models Connected with Asset Management Data
(Spanish - original title: Aplicación de BIM y Gemelo digital en ingeniería de subestaciones, O&M y benificios del uso de modelo de realidad virtual integrado con gestión de activos)
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro, A. Schütz
IEEE PES GTD Latin America 2022
La Paz, Bolivia
Digital Twin, Simulation BIM and Virtual Reality Models for Substation Lifecycle in Engineering, Operation, Asset Management & Maintenance
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2019
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Advantages of a Digital Twin - BIM 7D - for high voltage substation engineering using Optical Symbol Recognition Technology
S. Heuser, W. Eyrich, M. Kokorus, F. Pizarro
Denver, USA
18TD0219, From Optical Symbol Recognition (OSR) of Point Clouds to the Substation Information Model
M. Kokorus, W. Eyrich, R. Zacharias
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
File based software vs. Database software: The evolution of lifecycle data management into a digital twin
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
(Guided) VR tour for public relations – a real customer example
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
Let´s design live a Substation in primtech 3d
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023 Spring Event
Nashville, TN, USA
Scan2Twin using AI software - Explore a secure path for utilities, in the context of digital transformation, to get ready for Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins
Technical Presentation
CIGRE Session 2022
Paris, France
Compressed journey from the physical twin of one of the largest German TSO substations using a gigantic pointcloud, OSR and prDi to a lean Industry 4.0 Digital Twin
Technical Presentation
FISE Online 2021 - Pre-Session for FISE 2022
Medellín, Colombia
From a laser scan to an as-built BIM 3D substation model
(Spanish - original title: Desde el escaneo láser hasta un modelo as-built BIM 3D de una subestación)
Technical Presentation
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2023
Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Application of BIM and Digital Twins in Substation Engineering, O&M and Benefits of Using Substation Virtual Reality Models Connected with Asset Management Data
(Spanish - original title: Aplicación de BIM y Gemelo digital en ingeniería de subestaciones, O&M y benificios del uso de modelo de realidad virtual integrado con gestión de activos)
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro, A. Schütz
IEEE PES GTD Latin America 2022
La Paz, Bolivia
Digital Twin, Simulation BIM and Virtual Reality Models for Substation Lifecycle in Engineering, Operation, Asset Management & Maintenance
S. Heuser, L. Guevara, W. Eyrich, F. Pizarro
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
File based software vs. Database software: The evolution of lifecycle data management into a digital twin
Technical Presentation
SDS Industry Consortium 2023 Spring Event
Nashville, TN, USA
The evolution of VR to Applied Use-Cases in Substation BIM Design and Engineering Processes - How One-click solutions and the simulation of substation operation add value to the complete substation lifecycle
Technical Presentation
Ibero America Regional Council of CIGRÉ-ERIAC 2017
Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Optimization of effort and cost structures in substation design using a 3D substation engineering software with integrated calculations
S. Heuser, W. Eyrich, M. Kokorus
SDS Industry Consortium 2023
Fall Virtual Event
Let´s design live a Substation in primtech 3d
Technical Presentation
FISE 2022
Medellín, Colombia
Calculation of short circuit effects on flexible conductors and rigid conductors in a BIM substation
(Spanish - original title: Cálculo de efectos de cortocircuito en conductores flexibles y rígidos en una subestación BIM)
Technical Presentation