Types of Plan
The types of plan that you want to derive from your high-voltage switchgear design can be configured freely. The most important are already stored in primtech.
- Outline
- ISO view
- Layout plan
- Site plan
- Earthing plan
- Terminal plan
- Plan of foundation positions
- Lightning Protection
- Application plan
- Lighting plan
- ....

A drawing is always referenced to the 3-D CAD switchgear installation model. If anything in your substation changes, then all the plans that reference it also change.
The data in your plans is always consistent!
Even without AutoCAD you can get an overview of all the drawings that have been generated, since the project management system can display all the drawings associated with your project, even without CAD support.
Title blocks are managed by primtech, and are automatically filled with the data relevant to the project management, and their consistency is maintained. Consistent changes of entries across all the drawings of a project, or the integration of customer's title blocks, can both easily be done.
The integrated 2-D export tool allows derivations of the drawings to be exported into high-quality 2-D AutoCAD files. These files contain blocks with 2-D symbols; component information can also be stored with these in the form of AutoCAD attributes. These files can then, in turn, be exported again to any other external system, e.g. as DGN files for MicroStation, or as 2-D DXF files.
PDF files can also be generated automatically over an entire model.