primtech OSR+PRO Service

How valid is the data from your existing substations?

Get to know our AI-assisted OSR+PRO service.

We provide you with highly valid data on your existing HV substations.

The digital inventory with the AI-assisted primtech OSR+PRO service is fast, efficient, reliable, holistic and highly valid so that you can concentrate on the essentials.

The importance of valid asset data for brownfield substations

In more than one thousand projects, we have found that grid operators' asset data for existing substations deviates significantly from reality and is on average only 60% valid.

In some cases, entire switch panels were missing from the system documentation.

Incorrect and outdated asset data represents an underestimated risk for the energy transition.

For this reason, we have developed the primtech OSR+PRO service for you:

Our OSR+PRO service is an AI-assisted service for digitizing existing HV substations into a data-valid and functional 3D model and thus also the basis for creating a digital twin.

Digital inventory

"Checking the as-built documentation before conversions has always been difficult. With the OSR+PRO process, we save an average of 3-4 weeks per substation in the pre-planning phase. That's really great."
Bernd Zieglmeier, Planning Department at Bayernwerk Netz GmbH

How does the OSR+PRO service work?

With our AI-supported OSR+PRO service, we digitalize your existing HV substations within a few days and create a fully functional virtual model, both functionally and geometrically, which also serves as the foundation for a potential digital twin.

Unlike many providers who focus on manual 3D modeling, we work with AI support and a high degree of automation. Experienced engineers monitor the process and ensure that the model functions as intended based on correctly implemented data.

The result is a fully functional primtech 3d model with 99.99% valid data which can serve as your starting point for further digital transformation.

In any case, you can now continue working with valid data from your existing systems.

OSR+PRO Service process flow:

The easiest and fastest way to valid and future-proof data from your existing stations

A point cloud is created with a laser scan

The point cloud is merged into the OSR process (Optical Symbol Recognition) with other data sources.

Data from type plates is transferred

The data from the type plates is integrated into the process and thus enriches the database with additional information.

Asset data is supplemented and processed with AI support

Existing data and documentation such as single lines and assets are added and processed in our AI-supported process.

Why should you, as a grid operator, have existing substations digitalized today?

  • For grid operators around the world, digitalization is one of the most important prerequisites and foundations for the energy transition and grid expansion.
  • The use of AI and smart grid technologies is essential to increase workforce efficiency and manage the growing complexity of decentralized power generation. 

    However, these technologies are only effective if they are based on valid data.

Advantages of digitizing existing systems


Increased efficiency

AI and smart grid technologies enable significant savings. You save money through reduced operating costs, maximize the efficiency and productivity of your workforce and increase the overall efficiency of your business.

Data update

Our primtech OSR+PRO service ensures that asset data is up-to-date and valid, which forms the basis for all digital technologies.

Risk minimization

Outdated and incorrect data can pose significant risks to grid stability and the implementation of the energy transition. The digitalization of asset data with the primtech OSR+PRO service minimizes these risks.

Do you have any questions?

Simply contact us — we are happy to help!