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ELECRAMA in Greater Noida
Greater Noida, New Delhi, India (India Expo Mart)

entegra booth H11-B116 at German Pavilion
Indias Largest Energy Event - ELECRAMA brings together the complete spectrum of solutions that powers the planet from source to socket and everything in between. Featuring not just equipment & technology, but thought leadership platforms for everything electric – from technical conclaves to industry summits.
CIGRE Colloquium 2025 in Klingenberg, Germany
Klingenberg, Germany (WIKA Innovation Center)

Gold Sponsor: entegra AG
The German Committee of CIGRE warmly invites Study Committees B3: Substations and A3: High Voltage Equipment to a joint colloquium, taking place from March 24 to 28, 2025, at the WIKA Innovation Center in Klingenberg, Germany.
SDSIC Spring 2025 Live Event in Chattanooga, USA
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA (The Westin Chattanooga)

Gold sponsor: primtech North America
Presentation at the Technology Committee: From Show-Case to Use-Case: Unleash the power of VR technology in every project
Substation Design Solution (SDS) Industry Consortium is made up of member utilities and contract design and engineering firms, whom have adopted or are investigating for adoption, leading technology software platforms along with those software developers.
CIGRE 2025 Symposium in Trondheim, Norway
Trondheim, Norway (Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim)

Silver Sponsor: entegra AG
The topic for this Symposium will be CHANGES NEEDED IN THE POWER SYSTEM – for the Energy Transition. The aim of the CIGRE Symposium 2025 is to provide a forum for recent research results, planning and system operations experience related to the changes the power system is undergoing because of the energy transition.
17. Slovenian Electric Power Conference CIGRE-CIRED in Portoroz, Slovenia
Portoroz, Slovenia (Grand Hotel Bernardin)

Gold Sponsor and entegra booth N° 5V
From May 19 to May 21, 2025, the seventeenth Slovenian Electric Power Conference CIGRE-CIRED will be held at the Grand Hotel Bernardin, where sponsors and exhibitors are not to be missed!
2025 International CIGRE Symposium in Montréal, Canada
Montreal, QC, Canada (Palais des congrès de Montréal)

entegra booth 419
Theme: “Grid Enhancement, Strategic Planning, Technological Innovation and Climatic Adaptation for Resilient Future Energy Systems”